Oral presentations

Authors will have the possibility to record their oral presentation before the meeting and send it to the organizers,  or to manage directly their live presentation. 

Adherence to the assigned time frame is critical to the success of the meeting. Under no circumstances will the chairman assign extra-time to presentations. Regardless of the chosen form, authors will have to stay within 14’ for their presentation.

Live presentations

Presenters will have to prepare a Power Point file that also has to be sent to the organizers in advance and will be remotely controlled by the presenter her/himself. 

Upload the slideshow (PowerPoint or PDF) on the EAAP registration form using the link here.

Pre-recorded mp4 Presentation procedure

Pre-recorded .mp4 presentation procedure:

  • Prepare your presentation in PowerPoint along with your talk to describe the work. Please pay attention to the speech length: 14 min. max for oral presentations and 3/4 min. max for poster presentations. Under no circumstances extra-time is allowed.
  • Read the speech over the presentation in the audio recording mode. All the information about this PowerPoint feature, with a video explanation, is available on the Microsoft website on this page. As you can see, you don’t need any other software. More details are just below the video, you can find info about different PowerPoint versions.
  • Export the presentation in video .mp4 format. Please pay close attention; you need to “export” the presentation in .mp4 format. Do not simply “save” it, since it will be saved in the .ppt format.
  • Upload your video on the EAAP registration form using the link here. Also, please consider that the uploading process could be very long, depending on your internet connection and file size (it could take up to 60/90 minutes).
  • Wait for confirmation about your presentation: EAAP will confirm that everything is fine and ready for the meeting.

Please note that when creating the PowerPoint presentation, it is possible to activate the speaker face registration that appears in the corner while he speaks. We strongly encourage to do that because we believe that seeing the person speaking even on a pre-recorded presentation is always an added-value to the webinar experience.


Authors will have to prepare a poster using the template, print it as pdf file and send it to this email: Marija.Klopcic@bf.uni-lj.si. All the posters will be uploaded in shared folders, which will be available from the first day of the meeting.

Moreover, authors will be offered the possibility to present their poster orally too. In this case, they will have to pre-record a 3’ video, during which they will present three slides (Title and Authors, Material & Methods, Results & Conclusions). To prepare the videos, please follow these directions: All the information about this PowerPoint feature, with a video explanation, is available on the Microsoft website on this page.


The deadline to upload oral presentations (video or powerpoint file), posters (pdf file) and poster presentations (short 3’ video) will be June 4, 2021.

Please note that all presentations will be placed on the EAAP website following the meeting as a service to all delegates, unless the author requests EAAP not to do so. If you do not wish to have your presentation available on the EAAP website, you must indicate it.